Posted to Facebook on 24/7/2020 at 1:20 PM
Posted to The Age (24/7/2020) on 24/7/2020 (Not published by The Age)Time for experts to take charge, time for Andrews to leave the podium
This is the only sensible news article I have read since the pandemic. Debacle after debacle, the Premier came out with “Johnny comes lately” decisions. I have made other suggestions before calling for more graphic ad campaigns depicting the real impact of human suffering, including death. None has been published.
Soft words are for the converts, not for the hardcore rebellious Covidiots. Instead of just being a blabber mouth, I have the following suggestions for various ad campaigns:
1. A statistician, or a well known personality from a election night tally room to talk about the statistics. The graphs are not showing bars or pie segments, but represented by Coronavirus and coffins or urns of ashes.
2. Someone comes for Covid test and confirmed positive days after. The anxious moment of the infected victim after getting the bad news, and impact on the individual and loved ones when the sufferer admitted to the ICU ward.
3. Paramedic, nursing staff and doctors in the ICU ward, rushing collapsed patients to the hospital, or ICU wards, showing patients on ventilators and finally having the equipment turned off.
4. A funeral director conducts a funeral session in an empty hall, and later shows graveyard land being excavated for burial of coffins, or urns.
5. Beach goers having great fun, ignoring social distancing, and getting infected. Laying in the hospital beds, they recall the good time they once had, but time is running out. The clock stops, and the Grim Reaper appears out of the blue. The screen goes black and only a long continuous sound from the heart monitoring machine can be heard.
Many of my posts about the pandemic and what I thought of politicians in handling the situations have not been published. I hope this comment does not violate any rules, because drastic moment calls for drastic action.
Thank you for reading.
PS no advertising agencies are allowed to claim my original ideas as theirs. Only government authorities are given permission to use and modified my suggestions. Prior contact before use is appreciated.