Thursday, 3 June 2021

COVID-19 symptoms linger for months in majority of hospitalized patients

It is not about if's or but's whether to vaccinate, it is matter you want to take the chance to be a victim of the Covid.

I know of people opposing strongly against vaccination and trying to justify by quoting some rubbery figures about the side effects, and even long term impact on health.

Thanks to the vaccine for polio, measles, etc, otherwise many of us may not be around to enjoy the technology of today, or for many, the beauty of our world.

I have not seen the streets full of autism sufferers, or people crippled by vaccine injections of yesteryears. On the contrary, I am thankful that I did not contract any of the nasties.

We face many risks daily, but we take calculated risks. The car is a lethal weapon if we are not careful, killing others on the road, and yet there are a lot more road users still walking or driving safely and happily.

COVID-19 symptoms linger for months in majority of hospitalized patients My former classmate in KL went to a Japanese restaurant with his wife and family members for dinner. A couple of days later, his wife showed symptoms of Covid infection, and was admitted to ICU for 5 days. My friend was also tested positive, but did not have to be in ICU. The other members were tested negative. Although their antibodies counts are high, his wife is still suffering from post Convid symptoms.

Obviously the decision is yours whether to take the jab, but be brave and do it for yourself, your loved ones, and people you do not know.

Thank you for reading.