Thursday, 9 September 2021

Why 'breakthrough' cases don't mean vaccines are failing?

I have blogged several times about vaccines and vaccination. Vaccines are not antibodies, and do not kill viruses. Vaccines are extracts of virus materials or inactive / dead virus injected into the human body to "bluff" the system of an intrusion / invasion of virus. The immune system is called upon to produce the antibodies, and activate the killer cells to kill the virus.

Before the body is ready to have an all out war with the virus, the virus can still get out of the victim's body and spread to other people. By the same token, the vaccinated person can still be infected because viruses are not discriminatory about whose mouth, or respiratory tract to enter - vaccinated or unvaccinated. Neither do the viruses care whether to infect a male or female, an adult or a child.

Vaccinated with underlying medical conditions can still die of complication. However, for the others, vaccines protect them from getting very ill, and escape death.

So, for your life sake, get vaccinated. The authorities and the media have been doing useless in "educating" the public. In fact, the mislead the public and give false hope and false confidence.

Be really mindful that the only way to minimise risk of getting a serious infection is to practise COVID safe - that is a wear a mask at all time in the public, wash hands, nostrils and even rinse your mouth after going to crowded places.

If young children are exposed in the public, eg parks, shopping centre, public transport, etc, avoid carrying them too closely for the time being until more studies / research have conclusively proven that children are not carriers of the virus, despite being asymptomatic. I am still very uncomfortable to be informed by he authorities that there are so many mystery cases.