Friday, 31 July 2020

Daniel Andrews needs to seriously consider locking people up

Posted to Facebook on 31/7/2020 at 12:48 AM
Daniel Andrews needs to seriously consider locking people up

Daniel Andrews may be working very hard, or even 24 hours a day, but his effort is not achieving the desired results, and therefore it is time wasted. Not only that, many lives have been lost, and a lot financial and labour resources wasted.

I want to repeat here - drastic moment calls for drastic action. Softly, softly approach does not grab the attention of the Covidiots, and without harsh punishment for the people flouting the laws make him a laughing stork.

As I have pointed at the beginning of July, both the Federal and State governments failed to capture the moment to put on visually graphic advertisements to grab the attention of the rebellious Covidiots. After more than six months, the converts need no more convincing about the danger of SARS-Cov-2.

Do we really need to take another month or longer to collect statistics to prove that second wave will knock on Victoria's door, and that complete lockdown is the most effective way to minimise economic loss? Do we really need to reinvent the wheels?

The list of mistakes made grows longer each day, and and around September, I predict the biggest wave of outbreak will occur, and this time will be from the children. I have no data to support my argument; however, I can't satisfy my own logic why children, who are always more susceptible to many diseases and virus infections, have not been a dominant group of victims during this pandemic?

I am very concerned, or in fact very scared!

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Blame game won't help find a fix for the aged care corona crisis

Posted to Facebook on 29/7/2020
Commenting on "Why misinformation about COVID-19’s origins keeps going viral"

There is a distinction between a manager and leader. A manager lives by figures and data, but lack intuition and vision. A leader listens and observes, but not necessarily takes the views of his managers and comes to the ultimate decision. Well, there are leaders like to be known as Consensus leaders.

Once the aged care homes were identified as hotspots, prompt actions and sweeping changes should have been made to curb the mounting fatality. This incident is not different from the Hotel Quarantine debacle, the meat works, compulsory wearing face mask, and silly romantic exemption.

Daniel Andrews has a lot on his plate, but he is really losing his grip, and the photo in the article depicted him as “I know better” body language.

How many more mistakes can Victorians tolerate before more lives are lost and the economy take much longer to recover, if it does

This pandemic brings the ugly faces of our so called leaders in Australia!

Thank you for reading!

Blame game won't help find a fix for the aged care corona crisis

Posted to Facebook on 29/7/2020 at 8:43 AM
Blame game won't help find a fix for the aged care corona crisis

There is a distinction between a manger and leader. A manager lives by figures and data, but lack intuition and vision. A leader listens and observes, but not necessarily takes the views of his managers and comes to the ultimate decision. Well, there are leaders like to be known as Consensus leaders.

Once the aged care homes were identified as hotspots, prompt actions and sweeping changes should have been made to curb the mounting fatality. This incident is not different from the Hotel Quarantine debacle, the meat works, compulsory wearing face mask, and silly romantic exemption.

Daniel Andrews has a lot on his plate, but he is really losing his grip, and the photo in the article depicted him as “I know better” body language.

How many more mistakes can Victorians tolerate before more lives are lost and the economy take much longer to recover, if it does?

This pandemic brings the ugly faces of our so called leaders in Australia!

Thank you for reading!

Brazil medics seek ICC probe of Bolsonaro gov't COVID-19 response

Posted to Facebook on 29/7/2020 at 12:38 AM
Brazil medics seek ICC probe of Bolsonaro gov't COVID-19 response

Wake up Americans. Too many lives have been lost, and too much pain and suffering inflicted by the nonsensical directions from your leader and mismanagement of the pandemic.

Unions in Brazil accuse government of being 'criminally negligent in its management' of coronavirus pandemic.

Take a page from the Brazilians, and action now before more lives perish unnecessarily.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Can I visit my partner under Melbourne's stage three coronavirus restrictions?

Posted to Facebook on 27/7/2020 at 6:29 PM
Can I visit my partner under Melbourne's stage three coronavirus restrictions?

I have been blogging about weak leadership, and the winner is Daniel Andrew, a Premier with no spine.

Can you remember the "No Means No" global campaign? English is not my mother's tongue, and yet I think I can understand the meaning of the phrase.

What sort of nonsense is to allow partners living in separate premises to meet, under "romantic exemption"? Didn't he talked about family cluster is one of the problems, let alone partners who are not staying in the same address?

This is beyond a child's logic that one cannot visit a relative or next-of-kin living in another address, yet one can visit a partner during the lockdown.

Confusing message like this causes more stress and dissatisfaction, and that's why some sector in the community has enough of the wishy-washy nonsense that come out the Daniel Andrews' mouth.

Read the Restriction Regulation and stop community transmission.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Time for experts to take charge, time for Andrews to leave the podium

Posted to Facebook on 24/7/2020 at 1:20 PM
Posted to The Age (24/7/2020) on 24/7/2020 (Not published by The Age)
Time for experts to take charge, time for Andrews to leave the podium

This is the only sensible news article I have read since the pandemic. Debacle after debacle, the Premier came out with “Johnny comes lately” decisions. I have made other suggestions before calling for more graphic ad campaigns depicting the real impact of human suffering, including death. None has been published.

Soft words are for the converts, not for the hardcore rebellious Covidiots. Instead of just being a blabber mouth, I have the following suggestions for various ad campaigns:

1. A statistician, or a well known personality from a election night tally room to talk about the statistics. The graphs are not showing bars or pie segments, but represented by Coronavirus and coffins or urns of ashes.

2. Someone comes for Covid test and confirmed positive days after. The anxious moment of the infected victim after getting the bad news, and impact on the individual and loved ones when the sufferer admitted to the ICU ward.

3. Paramedic, nursing staff and doctors in the ICU ward, rushing collapsed patients to the hospital, or ICU wards, showing patients on ventilators and finally having the equipment turned off.

4. A funeral director conducts a funeral session in an empty hall, and later shows graveyard land being excavated for burial of coffins, or urns.

5. Beach goers having great fun, ignoring social distancing, and getting infected. Laying in the hospital beds, they recall the good time they once had, but time is running out. The clock stops, and the Grim Reaper appears out of the blue. The screen goes black and only a long continuous sound from the heart monitoring machine can be heard.

Many of my posts about the pandemic and what I thought of politicians in handling the situations have not been published. I hope this comment does not violate any rules, because drastic moment calls for drastic action.

Thank you for reading.

PS no advertising agencies are allowed to claim my original ideas as theirs. Only government authorities are given permission to use and modified my suggestions. Prior contact before use is appreciated.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Doctors call for virus elimination strategy as stage four restrictions loom

Posted to Facebook on 18/7/2020 at 9:45 AM
Doctors call for virus elimination strategy as stage four restrictions loom

I probably should buy a caravan, and invest in a cheap glass ball from a 2-Dollar Shop, and read the future for the politicians and world leaders. Well, if the public come to me, they are more than welcome.

Although I sound more like a quack than a black-and-White hair Chinaman, what I have written did go through and filtered by my grey matter up on the top but inside my head.

Many things seem so blatantly obvious to me are not obvious to many. That’s the reason which causes my blood boiled. I criticise often that Australia lacks leadership, and it is so true.

Drastic time calls for drastic actions. Let history of the future be the judge. Leaders are to lead and need to make firm and tough decisions, not to pussy-foot just for short-term benefit. Why go half-way if more lives can be saved just by delaying a little longer for the lockdown, so that and economy can be restarted and be more sustainable.

Many of the early pandemic jargons are not heard of anymore, such as Containment, Mitigation, because Suppression and Elimination are in vogue.

I have written often about the advertising campaign being too weak, and the danger of this pandemic is not getting across, here in Australia and other countries. I just can understand why!

When the so called medical experts and leaders can’t agree with each other in their views on curbing the spread, what hope do the ordinary people have to live though this difficult time!

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 17 July 2020

57 sailors in Argentina get coronavirus after weeks at sea, despite quarantine

Posted to Facebook on 17/7/2020 at 2:24 AM
57 sailors in Argentina get coronavirus after weeks at sea, despite quarantine

Needless the say there are there possibilities, one the test kits were unreliable giving incorrect results, two the incubation period was longer than expected and three the boat was contaminated.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Believing pandemic a hoax, 30-year-old dies after attending 'COVID party'

Posted to Facebook on 13/7/2020 at 1:08 PM
Believing pandemic a hoax, 30-year-old dies after attending 'COVID party'

If you are in this group reading my blog, you are not one of those idiots that thinking Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 is a hoax, but highly infectious and deadly.

We do have the responsibility to pass on the message to the young adults and those in the adults under the mid-thirties when they get infected, they can still stand a chance to die. Even if they don’t but acutely infected, they will be on respirator, and their organs including their brains can be damaged.

I blame the Government authorities not putting on more visual, graphic and “scary” advertising materials to get the message through to the public.

In my opinion, some previous advertising campaigns were sensationally spectacular and effective. These include TAC advertisement on television, and highway billboard, showing accidents caused by drink driving and speeding; cigarette smoking causing cancers; WorkSafe playing on the emotion and impact on the loved ones of the victims experiencing workplace injury and death, and best of all the 1987 AIDS campaign depicting Grim Reaper holding his sickle, with Australians were being bowled over by a bowling ball in a 10-pin bowling lane.

Please do you part including your teenage children not to attend any crowded functions so soon even if lockdown is relaxed. I believe the virus can still stay in the body, like cancer cells. They only need a trigger to multiply uncontrollably. I have to declare that I am not a virologist, scientist or medical professional.

Thank you for reading.