Saturday, 9 October 2021

I trust my common-sense my knowledge my intuition my analyses and my principles

For years, I repeatedly discuss certain issues, particularly the mystery of virus mutation and children Covid infection, as though I suffer from Dementia that I forget what I had said before.

No, I am still very alert. I probably just think differently and ahead of time. Lately, I help a few people to overcome their problems by applying my long held theories about diet, physical and psychological wellbeing balance, and ageing.

When I was a child, I asked for blessing, protection and wisdom from Guan Gong. Did it work? Probably did, because I thought He had the power to make me a wiser and stronger person. In reality, I was not wiser, and I was still tiny and skinny. He subliminally gave me confidence.

He is not around now, so who can I turn to? I turn to my own brain, which is always with me. I trust my common-sense, my learned and stored knowledge, my intuition, my analyses, and most importantly my principles.

There are still several untested / unproven hypotheses in my brain. Will these be proven accurate soon? Time will tell.

10-year old child died after being made class nurse

Children are not immuneto coronavirus infection. Please make sure they wear a mask whenever possible. Trust common-sense or else you'll be sorry for losing your children to Covid-19.

Covid viruses do not discriminate colour, age, sex and creed. They do not know whether your children are or aren't vaccinated.

Schools will reopen soon. Insist on wearing a mask in the classroom even it is not compulsory.

Monday, 4 October 2021

Sunday, 3 October 2021

700,000 US COVID deaths despite widely available vaccines

If you are fully vaccinated, I am very happy for you. If you have not, I urge you to do so. I do not want you to waste your precious life.

Before you read the article attached in full, I would like you to pay attention to a paragraph from it and reproduce as follows:

"People who have not been fully vaccinated are eight times more likely to test positive, 41 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 57 times more likely to die, compared with people who are vaccinated, according to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky."

More than 700,000 have died in the US since the pandemic. The number is staggering, because it surpasses the US fatality of the Spanish Flu happened a century ago, and a lot more than the number of cancer fatality last year. That number is about the population of Michigan, Massachusetts, USA.

Anti-vaxxers have been voicing out so loudly, claiming that it is their right not to vaccinate, and also their right not to put foreign material to their bodies. Whether we like it or not, we put in so much substances, some can be deadly, in our bodies unknowingly and no one goes in the streets to demonstrate, or spread the news in social media. Has any anti-vaxxer complained about fluoridation of water, baking powder or yeast in bread, soy sauce or cheese produced by fermentation, and plants nourished with man-made fertilisers, etc? The sunscreen, soap, toothpaste, detergent, all contain toxic chemicals, and yet anti-vaxxers apply or use them without any question. These chemicals do "conteminate" their bodies. The list goes on and on!

I have said many times, "It is my right to choose how I want to live, and it is their right to choose how they want to die!"

Many anti-vaxxers reckon it is obscene and criminal for the big pharmaceutical companies to make so much money by flogging the vaccines, and therefore they cannot support their business. Unfortunately, many of the anti-vaxxers are in fact religious followers who cannot read the financial accounts of their religious institutions because they have not legal obligation to disclose them. Yes, these institutions probably make more money via all sorts of donations, selling messages from a Book from yesteryears. Anti-vaxxers use Apple phones and devices, send parcels by Amazon, use Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, TikTok, Google, Microsoft, etc which make billions each year. Closer to home, anti-vaxxers are unlikely keeping money under the pillow, and sooner or later, they use the bank for transacting money. In Australia, the top banks make billions in profit each year.

Do anti-vaxxers get their facts right? Have the spreaders of misinformation of vaccines any ulterior motives, and benefit financially with honest disclosure?

The worldwide deaths caused by COVID-19 is close to 5 million, slightly less than the population of Queensland.

Be wise, read more and think critically. It is your BRAIN, it is your right to make your sound and untarnished decision.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Scams, forgeries rise as vaccine passport mandates loom

Do not be fooled by scammers of fake digital vaccination passports. You are signing your life away by revealing your private information.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

The seven stages of severe COVID-19

Get vaccinated. If you choose not to, here’s what to expect if you are hospitalized for a serious case of COVID-19.

Stage 1
  • hard to breathe
  • need a supplemental flow of 1 to 4 litres of oxygen per minute
  • start on antivirals, steroids, anticoagulants or monoclonal antibodies
  • if survive will get discharged
Stage 2
  • harder and harder to breathe like drowning
  • oxygen requirements increase significantly, from 4 litres to 15 litres to 40 litres per minute
  • become too difficult relieve, or sitting up
  • oxygen saturation rapidly declines when move
  • transfer to the intensive care unit
Stage 3
  • exhausted from hyperventilating
  • put on noninvasive, “positive pressure” ventilation to push pressure into the lungs
Stage 4
  • blood pressure drops critically, we will administer vasopressors to bring it up, but your heart may stop anyway. After several rounds of CPR, we’ll get your pulse and circulation back. But soon, your family will need to make a difficult decision
  • intubate
  • suggest to call loved ones as this might be the last time to speak audibly
  • connect to a ventilator
  • sedated and paralyzed
Stage 5
  • oxygen levels and overall condition continue to deteriorate
  • COVID-infested lungs need an ECMO machine to oxygenates blood
Stage 6
  • air may leak into chest cavity, and tubes inserted to clear it
  • kidneys fail to filter the byproducts from the drug
  • administer vasopressors as blood pressure drops critically
  • entire body swells from fluid retention, and dialysis to help with renal function
  • heart may stop
  • susceptible to infections as immune system depressed
  • fluid accumulating in lung sacs
  • possible blood clot
  • several rounds of CPR, to get pulse and circulation back
Stage 7
  • decides to withdraw care
  • turn off the breathing machinery
  • final video call with loved ones

TikTok star charged after anti-lockdown protest in hospital with COVID-19

Has he learnt a lesson and starts to grow up?

I hope this deserving person who has spent time in ICU due to contracting COVID-19 will live the day bearing the painful scar of post covid syndrome and convert some anti-vaxxers to see the proper light, rather than the white light that takes them to a place of no return.

Conservative radio host who swore off Covid-19 vaccine dies after contracting virus

What have you got to lose for getting vaccinated? Nothing much. On the contrary, you may lose your life.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Friday, 10 September 2021

Unvaccinated are 'walking time bombs'

The unvaccinated are walking time bombs. More precisely, they are suicidal. Even if 1,000 die, directly or indirectly caused by the vaccines, tens of millions escaped fatal consequence after being vaccinated.

Life is full of risks, eg crossing a road, driving a car, taking a flight in a plane, using a microwave oven, putting mobile phone next to the ears, etc. One might get choked eating Tofu, slipped on peanuts dropped on the floor, killed by a falling tree branch in the garden, or struck by lightning.

A friend fell backward at Box Hill Shopping Centre by not heeding warning not to place shopping trolley on a moving escalator. The keywords here are "heeding warning". Those who do not vaccinate, but relying on misinformation, are NOT heeding warning.

Chinese knew for centuries eating the right food to improve the immune system. Many people reject anything Chinese, but they can't change their genes in their bodies. Funnily, they eat oranges to improve their Vitamin C without knowing the effect of Vitamin C rebound. They don't eat enough fat, without knowing that every single cell contains some fat for lubrication. No, this is NOT the Omega-3 for the brain cells. They ingest unproved animal medication for killing fleas and lice hoping to kill the coronavirus.

Does not a coronavirus look like a beast with horns? If the vaccine certificate is analogous to mark of the beast, you should not have a birth certificate, passport or IC, bank account or any utility account, driving licence, car with number plate, student enrolment number, staff number, ABN, etc because all these numbers are used to identify who you are. The tax file number is no difference from the Devil's number!

I am not a medical professional, nor a scientist, but I have a duty of care to see that my fellow humans, not only friends, not be led astray by people who have ulterior motive and agenda, creating fear and selling alternative products, or attracting donations to line their pockets.

Do not be a sour grape and envy others if you can't fly, cruise or enter a restaurant if you do not have that so call Mark of the Beast. All of us have been numbered since we were born and received the birth certificate!

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Why 'breakthrough' cases don't mean vaccines are failing?

I have blogged several times about vaccines and vaccination. Vaccines are not antibodies, and do not kill viruses. Vaccines are extracts of virus materials or inactive / dead virus injected into the human body to "bluff" the system of an intrusion / invasion of virus. The immune system is called upon to produce the antibodies, and activate the killer cells to kill the virus.

Before the body is ready to have an all out war with the virus, the virus can still get out of the victim's body and spread to other people. By the same token, the vaccinated person can still be infected because viruses are not discriminatory about whose mouth, or respiratory tract to enter - vaccinated or unvaccinated. Neither do the viruses care whether to infect a male or female, an adult or a child.

Vaccinated with underlying medical conditions can still die of complication. However, for the others, vaccines protect them from getting very ill, and escape death.

So, for your life sake, get vaccinated. The authorities and the media have been doing useless in "educating" the public. In fact, the mislead the public and give false hope and false confidence.

Be really mindful that the only way to minimise risk of getting a serious infection is to practise COVID safe - that is a wear a mask at all time in the public, wash hands, nostrils and even rinse your mouth after going to crowded places.

If young children are exposed in the public, eg parks, shopping centre, public transport, etc, avoid carrying them too closely for the time being until more studies / research have conclusively proven that children are not carriers of the virus, despite being asymptomatic. I am still very uncomfortable to be informed by he authorities that there are so many mystery cases.

State trials new nasal swab for children

I am glad that children will be tested for COVID-19 using nasal swab.

There are far too many unsolved mystery cases, and I like to be wrong about my hypothesis that children are carriers.

I wait eagerly for such implementation.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Sharp drop in South America’s COVID infections stuns experts

Is this calm before a storm or the virus has mutated to its incompetence? Is it possible that South Amerucan diet and native food help to improve immunity?

Should credit be given to vaccines too?

This is going to keep my brain busy for a while one.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Health officials quietly moved the date of the 1st US COVID-19 death to January 2020

Coronovirus was first reported in Wuhan, and WHO published the outbreak on 5 Jan 2020. However, many mysterious deaths with pneumonic symptom happened in Lombardy, Italy in Nov 2019. No investigation probed into such outbreak.

How likely is it that Coronavirus did not start in Wuhan? It is interesting to read the attached article that a death certificate of a deceased in Kansas was doctored. The original recorded her death was from a stroke and chronic obstructive lung disease, but in May 2021, her doctors quietly updated the certificate to add "COVID-19 pneumonia" as a cause of death.

The first known COVID-19 death in the U.S. was thought to have occurred on 6 Feb 2020, in a woman living in San Jose, California. That makes the Kansas victim to be the first COVID-19 death.

According to the article, before her death, the deceased had experienced symptoms of headache, fever, diarrhea and body aches, and on Christmas Day 2019, her family remembered the sufferer saying that her favorite foods tasted bland.

Another point of interest to note is that Spanish Flu happened in 1918 is thought to originated from Kansas.

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Masks for primary school kids supported but could cause ‘uncertainty’


Regional Victoria plunged into lockdown amid rising case numbers

Another one of my predictions is realised! The young children infection cases are so high that the state government urge parents to fit masks to primary school-aged children both indoors and outdoors across the state.

I have been predicting next wave is more ugly and scary. A big showdown is looming. The new mutant variant is more infectious and deadly.

Friday, 20 August 2021

Drop-by to check that your friends are ok during pandemic

I practise what I preach.

Lately, I have been communicating with my friends, including FB friends and various group members via Messenger, WhatsApp or WeChat. Besides chatting in text, I also make audio or video calls.

I practise what I preach. Lately, I have been communicating with my friends, including FB friends and various group members via Messenger, WhatsApp or WeChat. Besides chatting in text, I also make audio or video calls.

During the lockdown, I have "dropped by" virtually to check that my friends are safe and OK. Depression is a very real problem, and a chat can be very therapeutic, and voice really speaks louder than words.

I have written numerous times that it is pointless to tell the world how good your friends are after they have passed on, because they can no longer hear and see. Tell them now if you have not seen or spoken to them for some time.

In the past couple of months, I found out three friends have passed on, two diagnosed with cancer, and three have been discharged from hospital after being treated for Covid.

You may receive a surprise call from me. If you do receive one claiming to be from me, please ask a few question to authenticate my identity. Better still feel free to give me a call. Communication is a two-way traffic.

During the lockdown, I have "dropped by" virtually to check that my friends are safe and OK. Depression is a very real problem, and a chat can be very therapeutic, and voice really speaks louder than words.
Lately, I have been communicating with my friends, including FB friends and various group members via Messenger, WhatsApp or WeChat. Besides chatting in text, I also make audio or video calls.

During the lockdown, I have "dropped by" virtually to check that my friends are safe and OK. Depression is a very real problem, and a chat can be very therapeutic, and voice really speaks louder than words.

I have written numerous times that it is pointless to tell the world how good your friends are after they have passed on, because they can no longer hear and see. Tell them now if you have not seen or spoken to them for some time. In the past couple of months, I found out three friends have passed on, two diagnosed with cancer, and three have been discharged from hospital after being treated for Covid.

You may receive a surprise call from me. If you do receive one claiming to be from me, please ask a few question to authenticate my identity. Better still feel free to give me a call. Communication is a two-way traffic.

I have written numerous times that it is pointless to tell the world how good your friends are after they have passed on, because they can no longer hear and see. Tell them now if you have not seen or spoken to them for some time.

In the past couple of months, I found out three friends have passed on, two diagnosed with cancer, and three have been discharged from hospital after being treated for Covid.

You may receive a surprise call from me. If you do receive one claiming to be from me, please ask a few question to authenticate my identity. Better still feel free to give me a call. Communication is a two-way traffic.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Accountant, architect, pizza guy and sex worker among south-east mystery cases

On 18/8/2021, Victorian government reported that "There are currently 246 active coronavirus cases across the state, with 56 under the age of nine and 55 aged between 10 and 19."

Do not behave like an ostrich, burying your head in the sand. Children are not spared, and do take care and minimise their exposure. From my own desk research, a new strain is mutating - more infectious and more deadly.

Stay safe.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Forty-four children test positive to COVID-19 in a day in NSW

More and more children are infected by the Delta strain. About 13% infected in the last fortnight in NSW are under 9 years old, and data released by the American Academy of Pediatrics this week found children accounted for about 15 per cent of all new COVID-19 cases across the United States in early August.

I am always an inquisitive, and logical person. I predicted this would happen months ago, and I continue to say this like a broken recorder. Your young children and you for children are at risk more than ever.

The scientists and experts offer no answer, and many only have been making silly and blanket statements that children seem to be less affected and having mild symptoms.

This is what I believe is "calm before the storm". It should be of utmost urgency to find out why the children defence system and platelet are so different from adults. If children have mild symptoms or symptoms now, should children's blood be used to create vaccine?

Delta strain is a mutation. Microbiologists simply brush it off that mutation is an error in viral duplication process. Could this be a consequence of vaccine trial malfunction, triggering the muration? If I am a scientists, I will never believe mutation is by chance, and work day and night to find the reason.

Vaccines are only a stop gap, but they do not prevent infection, now and in the future.

Please keep the young one safe, and do not believe that they are invincible.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

when vaccinated people catch the virus, they have a similar viral load to unvaccinated individuals

Do people question what they eat each day e.g. the additives and preservatives? Are these being trialed and data published? Many food colouring bring out ADHD and asthma attack especially in children, and yet parents and grandparents do not question or go on public demonstration.

Alcohol has been proven harm to body organs, and yet no anti-alcohol posts in multimedia or public outcry on free-to-air television going back to the Ark.

Chemotherapy, CT scan, MRI, surgeries, cough mixtures and many more things carry risks, and may have life long effect without knowing. The streets will be blocked and choked if anti-this and anti-that carry placards marching in the streets, and my ears will be severely damaged by the noise.

Analysis by Public Health England has shown that when vaccinated people catch the virus, they have a similar viral load to unvaccinated individuals, and may be as infectious, and therefore all vaccines do not prevent others from dying, but help to prevent the vaccinated escape deaths or severe suffering from particular diseases.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Delta coronavirus variant is putting babies and children in special isolation wards in Japanese hospitals

Experts always thought that babies and young children are not susceptible to COVID-19 infection. I always disagree so, and am adament that young children are hugged by parents and grandparents will be infected sooner or later.

Although the babies and young children exhibit mild symptoms, that does not mean they are not infectious, otherwise the nurses in the hospitals would not be cautioned to spend less time with the babies. Although this may be the case, there are insufficient warnings about babies and young children being spreaders.

Transmission is a two-way traffic, and therefore I urge again parents and grandparents must be vigilant not to take for granted about my warning.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Cases of heart inflammation found in young men after Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

Many people after receiving second dose of vaccine seem to have more side effects than the first one. However, hardly any die of the vaccination, not the fatality cases have hit the news broadcast.

There are reported cases of people die of blood clot after receiving Astra Zeneca vaccine. However, there are a lot more people not having the negative effect.

From the very beginning, a lot of people jumped onto the bandwagon and preferred to receive Pfzer vaccine than the AZ, because Pfzer has higher efficacy rate than AZ and other vaccines. That was early day release and it was tested in the US and not other countries then.

The linked article reports that a number of young males from 12 years old suffer from heart inflammation after the second dose. There is no mention about death.

Unfortunately, it is like first in best dress, and many humans have a mind like an elephant.

Please do not be gullible and believe the conspiracy theories as the ultimate truth. More than likely, vaccination keep you safe, and peace of mind.

Thank you for reading.

Children aged 12 and below barred from going outside except for three reasons

When are you going to come to your senses that children are not different from adults that they can be infected by the corona virus, and eventually killed by the virus. The death rates will climb as new variants mutate and adapt to attack the younger age groups.

I have said many times and will continue to say that children will become superspreaders in a matter of time. It is important not take for granted of their innocence, and for babies, their cuddliness.

No matter what those gurus and experts have been telling you, please protect your young children by wearing a mask, and not go to crowded places. in addition they must practise good hygiene by washing hands and not to rub their eyes and nose with their hands.

Before today, I have no evidence or statistics to back up my commonsense observation and hypothesis. As from today, 1 June 2021, Malaysia is in national lockdown due to continual rise in number of overall infection to a total of 82,341 cases (shall check the duration) of Covid-19 including 8,237 cases (five to six); 26,851 (seven to 12) and 27,402 (13 to 17).

thank you for reading.

Thursday, 3 June 2021

COVID-19 symptoms linger for months in majority of hospitalized patients

It is not about if's or but's whether to vaccinate, it is matter you want to take the chance to be a victim of the Covid.

I know of people opposing strongly against vaccination and trying to justify by quoting some rubbery figures about the side effects, and even long term impact on health.

Thanks to the vaccine for polio, measles, etc, otherwise many of us may not be around to enjoy the technology of today, or for many, the beauty of our world.

I have not seen the streets full of autism sufferers, or people crippled by vaccine injections of yesteryears. On the contrary, I am thankful that I did not contract any of the nasties.

We face many risks daily, but we take calculated risks. The car is a lethal weapon if we are not careful, killing others on the road, and yet there are a lot more road users still walking or driving safely and happily.

COVID-19 symptoms linger for months in majority of hospitalized patients My former classmate in KL went to a Japanese restaurant with his wife and family members for dinner. A couple of days later, his wife showed symptoms of Covid infection, and was admitted to ICU for 5 days. My friend was also tested positive, but did not have to be in ICU. The other members were tested negative. Although their antibodies counts are high, his wife is still suffering from post Convid symptoms.

Obviously the decision is yours whether to take the jab, but be brave and do it for yourself, your loved ones, and people you do not know.

Thank you for reading.