Sunday, 3 May 2020

Scientists to test sewage for years to track COVID bug

Scientists to test sewage for years to track COVID bug

Many weeks ago I raised the question in tongue-and-cheek about what could happen to the sewerage system when people disinfect hands by washing them.

A few years ago, I watched a documentary about research on Cholera bacteria, and scientists found them even in the ocean water far away from land.

When we wash with soap our hands which are contaminated with viruses, some of the viruses are likely to escape the "attack" by the soap before it reaches them.

What will happen to the escaped viruses? Can they survive without a host? Can they mutate and become more potent and dangerous? Can they go with the stream of water and flow to other destination and flourish?

My concerns may be far fetched, but then how many times I have say things ahead of my time!

Thank you for reading.