Monday, 18 May 2020

China seizes on Trump comment US started working on coronavirus vaccine in January to deny cover-up claims

Posted to Facebook on 18/5/2020 at 1:18 PM
China seizes on Trump comment US started working on coronavirus vaccine in January to deny cover-up claims

Is this for real? How can anyone develop a vaccine without the virus? Did the US import the virus just to develop the vaccine? Was the virus already running amok in the US before China knew what the new virus was about?

While the Australia Prime Minister and some of his fellow puppy dog politicians call for an investigation of the origin of the virus from Wuhan, WHO wants a wider scope not restricting to Wuhan.

I have been blogging that the investigation must not limit to Wuhan, and it was too early and probably a waste of money to start a witch hunt.

Will the US co-operate with and be open to such investigation? I have also blogged several times to have as many bodies of deceased flu victims in the US who died long before November 2019 exhumed, so that autopsies could be conducted to find out whether the cause of death was from an unknown virus of that time, or SARS-COV-2 as it is known today.

Although I have not blogged as often about the African countries’ infection cases and fatalities, I am more than surprised that the news is not as bad as what the experts have been predicting. The COVID-19 has not reached an epidemic proportion at all.

Another interesting thing I observed is that many states in the US do not suffer as badly as New York and Washington. Hiw can this happen?

Thank you for reading.