The architect of Sweden's decision not to have a coronavirus lockdown says he still isn't sure it was the right call Australia border reopens for international travellers, I would like to see people from countries which did not implement laws and exercise strict disciplines of lowering infection cases and deaths barred from entering the country.
A lot of people from many states in the US are less than cooperative to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. These are selfish and self-centred who care more about their so called freedom and rights, without paying a damn about the well-being of others.
Sweden has introduced only a handful of rules and left places like parks and restaurants open. Its death toll is much higher than neighbouring countries’.
It has a population just about 10.23 millions, and ,679 deaths as of Monday 4 May 2020. Australian Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, in his Tuesday afternoon briefing disagrees that Sweden is doing a good job, with 40% of Australian population, but the fatality is 27 times.
People from Sweden, in my opinion, are walking time bombs. The architect of the Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, who charted the course not to lock down but adhering to some forms smart lockdown, has doubt whether he has done the right thing.
The danger lies in the asymptomatic infected people who roam and mingle freely in the community, and increase the virus load unknowingly, which in turn increases the chances for others getting infected, especially fatal for the weaker population as well as the seniors.
Sweden social experiment is a flop by comparison with Australia and New Zealand which impose lockdown.
Death of a person may be just a statistics in the larger scheme of thing, but the deceased means a lot to the loved ones. It is heartless to say another person dies of COVID-19.
It is unfortunate that due to ease of movement between countries, travellers from “well-behaved” countries could have been in close contact with people from those worrying countries.
Thank you for reading.