Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount

Posted to Facebook on 16/6/2020 at 12:48 AM
Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount

Several countries have opened their borders despite coronavirus infection is still spreading. It is understandable that for the last few months the world has stood still, causing the economy tailspinning into chaos, and leaders around the world are keen to get their countries back on track, but to follow the path of post pandemic new normal.

One of the latest research found that 15% infected people, one in 6, are asymptomatic, and therefore there is no guarantee that one does not get infected when in close contact with any asymptomatic infected person, especially in crowded places.

Some shopping centres and groceries are fairly busy and social distancing is not really observed. Most interestingly, school children at schools are not subjected to the same restrictions but teachers are.

Large crowds turned up at the BLM demonstrations around the world. In Victoria, two attended at the protest are tested positive to-date. I am certain that more participants will be tested positive by the end of the fortnight.

Second wave spread is not a hoax or scaremongering. Texas, Florida, Japan, South Korea and now Beijing are concerned about another outbreak, and all started from crowded places.

During the pandemic, many share market novice investor get hooked on the new found money making opportunity. However, the fear of second wave spread is going to create havoc in the market, and many will get their fingers burnt.

Coronavirus pandemic is fast becoming stale news, and many people are sick of reading or listening to the news. However, the bad news is not over yet, and I have decided to keep this group going as long as I can to keep you informed what the situations are like in other countries.

Thank you for reading.