Posted to Facebook on 21/6/2020 at 11:27 AM
Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount
I was blogging about the danger of allowing the F1 Grand Prix to proceed. I even contacted an MP asking him to approach the government to cancel the event.
Yhe rationale behind the call was that many of the racing drivers and supporting team members were from Italy. Obviously, many race goers would also be from Italy.
Coronavirus was already spreading in many regions in Italy like wildfire. The federal and state governments were still pussy footing about shutting down inbound air traffic from overseas including Italian until the day after Italy initiated a lockdown banning all outbound travelling.
I could breathe a sign of relief, because there were enough statistics in the news media around the world supporting my view of early lockdown.
There were reports about Lombardy of Italy of early detection of an unknown pneumonia-like disease going on around November 2019, but no one seemed to be overly concern until the first case was announced when someone returned from Wuhan. Since then, Lombardy became the global epicentre of coronavirus as it saw the first major outbreak in Europe.
My recent blogs wrote about the coronavirus could have a much longer incubation period, and I think Lombardy case can possibly be a supporting justification. Many of the people in the region could have been carriers of the virus, but among those infected many were asymptomatic and possibly exhibited mild symptoms only.
Recently many people wanted to erase "history" of past people or events. I hope this Coronavirus pandemic, and similar pandemic like the Spanish Flu should not be used as political football and erased from record to remind us of human beings are very vulnerable to death - not by slavery, hunger, nuclear weapons, pollution, but by microscopic viruses, invisible to naked eyes, and NOT an invention by human race.
Thank you for reading.