Friday, 19 June 2020

Latest New York coronavirus statistics as at 19/6/2020

Posted to Facebook on 19/6/2020 at 2:22 AM
Latest New York coronavirus statistics

The COVID-19 statistics for New York comprises 384k confirmed cases and 24,629 deaths as at 18 June 2020.

COVID-19 has been devastating in New York City, especially to immigrant residents. More than half the confirmed deaths in New York City lived in primarily black and brown neighbourhood.

Mayor De Blasio launched the Immigrant COVI-19 Burial Assistance Program to ensure no family should struggle to pay for the burial of a loved one, and vulnerable New Yorkers won't have to.

Coronavirus is still spreading, and New Yorkers are required to wear a mask, and observe social distance of 6 feet in public.

  • New York State reached the lowest percentage of positive COVID-19 tests yesterday since the pandemic began.
  • Governor Cuomo signs legislation prohibiting health care employers from penalizing employees for making complaints of employer violations.
  • Gatherings of up to 25 people will be allowed in Phase Three of reopening, up from the limit of 10.
  • Hospitals and group homes will be allowed to accept visitors at their discretion, while following state guidelines including time-limited visits and requiring visitors to wear PPE and be subject to symptom and temperature checks.

Thank you for reading.