Sunday, 22 March 2020

China Sends Masks, Gloves and Test Kits to Nations Affected by COVID-19

China Sends Masks, Gloves and Test Kits to Nations Affected by COVID-19

I have written many times that I have no intention to talk about other governments and discuss foreign politics. However, I am deeply saddened by a FB post, critising China’s goodwill and in the meantime accusing China hoarding masks.

This is not the time to speculate and be suspicious of what China is doing with the masks. If China saves the masks for her own people, what’s wrong with it? It is the prerogative of the Chinese government to give or not to give. Charity starts from home, doesn’t it?

There is nothing more important than saving lives and staying alive.

Throughout history, China under the rule of Chinese emperors, China neither conquered nor occupied any foreign country. Yuan and Qing emperors were Mongolian and Manchurian respectively.

China established the Silk Road, not for wars but trade. During the Ming Dynasty, China sent the envoys to Southeast Asia, and other nearby countries for trade, not wars.

Chinese invented gun power for peace time use, and produced fireworks for celebration of happy and even sad moments, but never as firepower. China was defeated by canons and guns of the Western inventions using the gun powder, invented by the Chinese, during the Qing Dynasty.

There is a Chinese proverb, “Never expect any reward when helping someone; do not offer help if expecting a reward in return.”

Please note that this is not a propaganda. I only want people of this world, especially members of this group, not to live their daily lives wearing coloured glasses. We must live as one in peace, not with suspicion.

Thank you for reading.