'Herd immunity': Why Britain is actually letting the coronavirus spread
https://www.theage.com.au/world/europe/herd-immunity-why-britain-is-actually-letting-the-coronavirus-spread-20200315-p54a5h.htmlWhat is Boris Johnson‘s government herd immunity approach? Is it crazy?
Herd immunity approach has three core elements: enact social distancing measures much more slowly than other countries; shield at-risk groups like the elderly and sick from contact with the general population; and then let COVID-19 slowly sweep through everybody else.
Well, it sounds reasonable, but politically unpalatable to the citizens of UK.
The number of infections are increasing rapidly in UK, and people with mild symptoms are asked to undertake self-isolation, but they are not required to be tested for infection. However, if one person in any household starts to display symptoms, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days.
What this means the reported number of cases is rubbery, and the risk is high when travelling to UK.
On 16 March, the total number of people in the UK to test positive for the virus has risen by 171 in a day to a total of 1,543.
Thank you for reading.