Thursday, 30 April 2020

Australian intelligence officials have no evidence of Wuhan lab link to coronavirus

Posted to The Age (29/4/2020) on 30/4/2020
Australian intelligence officials have no evidence of Wuhan lab link to coronavirus

Eggs in their faces, and there is no surprise. Time will tell whether the three gung-ho Amigos from Australia will get their humiliation in due course.

There is no Brownie points to score by being so adamant to have the wet market banned, finger pointed at Wuhan lab in leaking the virus and accusing China of not disclosing information in relation to the spreading of the virus.

Somehow we do not seem to have good leaders or senior politicians that understand diplomacy. It is not that they do not know how to get the China ambassador in to discuss the proposal behind close door.

Power gets into their heads, and they arrogantly tell their important trading partner and neighbour, namely China, that Australia is to open their first shot.

Although Australia is a far flunked island, it is still one of the countries on Mother Earth. Big mouths DO create ill-will and conflict, and can damage relationship for a long term!

Thank you for reading