No more Zoom for home-based learning after hackers show obscene photos to Singapore students video conferencing users beware.
Lack of security enables hackers to join the chat room. Read the attached news article from Singapore, banning use of Zoom school online home-based lessons. Zoom attracts Zoom bombing, like what the school children have experienced.
Zoom's security flaws have led to a number of organizations, companies, and schools banning or restricting its use.
Government and government agencies banning such use include NASA, Taiwan, Australian Defence Force, German Foreign Ministry, US Senate.
Google also ban its employees using Zoom on company-owned desktop and laptop computers, and administrators will disable it this week.
Many people with no knowledge or do not care about cyber security jump into the band wagon because it is the in-thing during this coronavirus pandemic, will be get more than they bargained for, and likely have their video conferencing posted to other media without their consent.
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Away from Zoom.
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