Friday, 10 April 2020

Coronavirus can hit kids too, and one mum wants parents to be more vigilant

Coronavirus can hit kids too, and one mum wants parents to be more vigilant

I have been blogging about my concern regarding children being infected by coronavirus. I also hypothesise why children do not get infected as easily as the adults.

Just because most children do not display much symptoms, or asymptomatic, that does not mean they are not carriers, and may not be super spreaders or transmitters.

I watched the interview on ABC (Aust) about a mother from Bavaria whose two children were tested positive to the coronavirus. She had no idea whether they were infected when they were out shopping or attending the kindergarten before they were closed.

While a lot of adults have undergone testing, I doubt the number of children are tested in the same proportion. The argument is based on data from China or overseas show that infection rate for children is low.

What really puzzles me is that why children are prone to many life threatening diseases, but apparently not affected by this highly infectious and deadly virus.

Is there a substance not necessarily an anti-body in a child‘s body that inhibits or suppresses the symptoms? If this virus is not destroyed by the child's defence system, will the virus mutate into more deadly, not only killing the child who is the host eventually, but also leads to more community infections and fatality?

Now that Australia has apparently "flattened the curve", unless irresponsible people flout the laws against social distancing, I believe the government should turn their attention to test more children, especially students attended schools before the locked down. Testing temperature is not a sure way to detect presence of virus in their system.

Thank you for reading.