Friday, 3 April 2020

New Chinese research may point to possible role of children in coronavirus spread

New Chinese research may point to possible role of children in coronavirus spread

I think the federal Chief Medical Officer and state Chief Health Ministers will brush off findings of Chinese research pointing to possible role of children in coronavirus spread.

The reluctance of closing schools and now the generous funding of free childcare to allow childcare centres to remain open are trouble in the making, and the authority is sending the wrong signal that children are less prone to infection, and unlikely to spread the disease.

Just because children tend to get less severe symptoms when they contract Covid-19 does not mean that the children cannot be carriers and spreaders.

Should schools and childcare centres be exempted from social distancing or physical distancing? It is close to impossible for a teacher or childcare staff member to follow the order, because they have to work in very close proximity with the young children.

Early reports out of China showed that elderly people and the chronically ill were most vulnerable to Covid-19. Yet an alarming number of young people in the United States have been hospitalised with severe infections, and 20% were between ages 20 and 44.

Unlike cold and flu, many children and young people are asymptomatic to the infection, and therefore this can lead to a dangerous situation in community-acquired infections.

Thank you for reading.