Sunday, 19 April 2020

France contradicts US on coronavirus link to Wuhan research lab

Posted to The Age (18/4/2020) on 19/4/2020 (not published by the newspaper)
A lecture, a textbook, an illness like no other: Inside a Melbourne COVID cluster

It is depressing to read about the increasing number of people infected by coronavirus and fatalities each day. However, I feel more depressed because I fail to understand the mentality of leaders pointing fingers at China for spreading the virus, which serves no purpose at this point in time.

Instead of fighting the coronavirus, the sole enemy that kills so many across almost all continents, some leaders send out messages that mislead their own citizens, fragment the community, and create divide among races in order to distract their inaptness to lead, govern and manage their countries.

Whether we are talking about Australia or the US laws, the presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of our justice system. Many criminal trials take months or even decades to gather information and evidence, before an individual or a country can be proven guilty of a crime.

All countries in the world should be united as one to fight the pandemic, and develop a reliable vaccine to stop the virus from creating more misery to mankind.

Thank you for reading.