Monday, 6 April 2020

Blogging about the Coronavirus pandemic

Blogging about the Coronavirus pandemic

This pandemic takes me to many countries around the world virtually, especially some African countries.

I may not have blogged about them, because I need to cross check the information. I have not blogged a lot on the very publicised coronavirus incidents in China, USA, UK, Italy, and South Korea because you can get a lot of news from many sources.

Behind the scene, I responded to people who spread hoax, and fake news. I also have alerted a Singaporean friend not to pop the Champagne weeks ago.

I have communicated with an overseas medical specialist in regards to some of my thoughts about this pandemic, and mask design.

Back to the ranch, I am concerned about a second wave of infections in Australia. Western Australia has decided to close the border, forbidding entry to the state, not for even its own people!

Some infected victims who have recovered may be immune from the virus, but some may flare up again. Some have longer incubation and asymptomatic.

While young children are prone to many other diseases like small pox, measles, flu, polio, whooping cough, no one can truly answer why young children are less susceptible to the virus infection. I have an hypothesis, but it is best not to speculate.

In the meantime, Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Thank you for reading.