Monday, 22 June 2020

World Health Organisation reports largest single-day increase in cases

Posted to Facebook on 22/6/2020 at 2:11 PM
World Health Organisation reports largest single-day increase in cases

Don’t think that Victorian and New South Wales are over cautious in relaxing the restrictions. It is true that these states are still very low in confirmed cases and fatality, no one should be complacent and take things for granted.

Within the linked report is a table showing the various countries’ cases and deaths in different countries,

High infection rate may be a rough guide to the severity, but the actual number of deaths give a more disturbing story,

The ranking of number of deaths of various countries extracted is shown below:

  • USA
  • Brazil
  • UK
  • Italy
  • France

I am very surprised with the cases in France, and I shall research a bit more about the country.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Coronavirus return to Lombardy the Wuhan of the West

Posted to Facebook on 21/6/2020 at 11:27 AM
Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount

I was blogging about the danger of allowing the F1 Grand Prix to proceed. I even contacted an MP asking him to approach the government to cancel the event.

Yhe rationale behind the call was that many of the racing drivers and supporting team members were from Italy. Obviously, many race goers would also be from Italy.

Coronavirus was already spreading in many regions in Italy like wildfire. The federal and state governments were still pussy footing about shutting down inbound air traffic from overseas including Italian until the day after Italy initiated a lockdown banning all outbound travelling.

I could breathe a sign of relief, because there were enough statistics in the news media around the world supporting my view of early lockdown.

There were reports about Lombardy of Italy of early detection of an unknown pneumonia-like disease going on around November 2019, but no one seemed to be overly concern until the first case was announced when someone returned from Wuhan. Since then, Lombardy became the global epicentre of coronavirus as it saw the first major outbreak in Europe.

My recent blogs wrote about the coronavirus could have a much longer incubation period, and I think Lombardy case can possibly be a supporting justification. Many of the people in the region could have been carriers of the virus, but among those infected many were asymptomatic and possibly exhibited mild symptoms only.

Recently many people wanted to erase "history" of past people or events. I hope this Coronavirus pandemic, and similar pandemic like the Spanish Flu should not be used as political football and erased from record to remind us of human beings are very vulnerable to death - not by slavery, hunger, nuclear weapons, pollution, but by microscopic viruses, invisible to naked eyes, and NOT an invention by human race.

Thank you for reading.

Why so many countries still have high positive cases and deaths?

Posted to Facebook on 21/6/2020 at 3:12 AM
World Health Organisation reports largest single-day increase in cases

Why do so many countries still have high positive cases and deaths after many weeks or even months since the pandemic? Why is Victoria experiencing more community transmitted cases now?

Like what I have rewritten a few months back, the incubation period for some people can be a lot longer than a fortnight, and in one case, it took more than one and a half months.

Some infected people are asymptomatic in the early days, until their defence system happens to weaken due to various reasons. The virus will take the opportunity to multiply quickly. These are likely to be more aggressive and infectious. They build up stronger resistance after learning how to avoid destruction by the body.

Take care. I am advising you as a logician, not a medical professional.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Monday’s easing of restrictions postponed after alarming virus spike

Posted to Facebook on 20/6/2020 at 9:30 PM
World Health Organisation reports largest single-day increase in cases

I always suspect a second wave of Coronavirus attack would occur. My greatest fear of a big surge is when air travel resume ferrying inbound travellers from countries like US, UK, Sweden, Italy, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, etc. There are many infection hotspots around the world, but the number of travellers arriving from these places are not in large numbers.

So far the number of school children being infected is still very small, but that may not necessary mean that a surge may not take place. The recent cases that prompted the Premier to reimpose stricter rule dropping the number of visitors from 10 to 5 is a clear indication his and experts concern of a worse outbreak.

Most young people think that they are tough and invincible. They don’t believe they will die from the infection because statistics tells them so. However, they forget that if they become infected and display no symptom, does not mean that they can’t do a great deal of damage to the people they are in contact with, including their friends, spouses, parents, colleagues, and unknown people.

Please do take care and observe social distancing.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Latest New York coronavirus statistics as at 19/6/2020

Posted to Facebook on 19/6/2020 at 2:22 AM
Latest New York coronavirus statistics

The COVID-19 statistics for New York comprises 384k confirmed cases and 24,629 deaths as at 18 June 2020.

COVID-19 has been devastating in New York City, especially to immigrant residents. More than half the confirmed deaths in New York City lived in primarily black and brown neighbourhood.

Mayor De Blasio launched the Immigrant COVI-19 Burial Assistance Program to ensure no family should struggle to pay for the burial of a loved one, and vulnerable New Yorkers won't have to.

Coronavirus is still spreading, and New Yorkers are required to wear a mask, and observe social distance of 6 feet in public.

  • New York State reached the lowest percentage of positive COVID-19 tests yesterday since the pandemic began.
  • Governor Cuomo signs legislation prohibiting health care employers from penalizing employees for making complaints of employer violations.
  • Gatherings of up to 25 people will be allowed in Phase Three of reopening, up from the limit of 10.
  • Hospitals and group homes will be allowed to accept visitors at their discretion, while following state guidelines including time-limited visits and requiring visitors to wear PPE and be subject to symptom and temperature checks.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Brazil reports record 34,918 new coronavirus cases in a day

Posted to Facebook on 17/6/2020 at 11:23 AM
Brazil reports record 34,918 new coronavirus cases in a day

This confirms that those countries with nutty leaders who have stupid ideas of not locking down their countries early or not at all cause more fatality and infection.

Boris Johnson contracted the virus and then changed his mind. Research has shown that even if he locked down the country one week earlier, the casualty would have been halved.

US still take the lead, and it is not something to be proud of.

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, also often described as South America’s Donald Trump, remains dismissive of the devastating impact of the virus and opposed to lockdowns. The country achieved unenviable results breaking new record of Coronavirus cases recently.

Thank you.

Options for first-home buyers narrow as listings below $700,000 drop

Posted to Facebook on 17/6/2020 at 10:23 AM
Options for first-home buyers narrow as listings below $700,000 drop

As long as the community is not completely free to move around, and there remains great uncertainly about employment prospect, potential sellers will continue to hold on to their properties.

The question is why sell unless one has a reason to do so. When one sells his property, he needs another one to live in, whether you call it downsizing, upsizing or right sizing.

The prices will not drop, as I mentioned in several blogs. Unfortunately, due to scarcity, the price may even climb a bit higher.

The critical time is around the end of August and September, when the mortgage repayment deferral and Jobkeeper payment will discontinue, unless the government changes its heart.

Many landlords are facing financial trouble too, with tenants not paying rent during this period.

All these unfavourable conditions can lead to only one conclusion, that is, many property owners may have to put their properties in the market reluctantly, not by choice.

In recent weeks, a lot of activities have been going on with many mortgage holders looking for brokers to refinance their mortgage, in order to lower their repayment burden.

Thank you for reading.

Flushing the toilet may fling coronavirus aerosols everywhere

Posted to Facebook on 17/6/2020 at 10:04 AM
World Health Organisation reports largest single-day increase in cases

It is not a wise move to go a public small enclosed space. You do not know whether an infected person was present before and left behind a trail of virus, still lingering in the air as the article cited, as well in the toilet bowls.

Leading from this argument, if the air in a small restaurant is contaminated with the virus, only you are breathing in the air, but also allow the virus to be ingested while you are enjoying your food.

The best form of prevention is avoidance.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Why virus cases are growing in Russia, Brazil, India

Posted to Facebook on 16/6/2020 at 1:29 AM
Why virus cases are growing in Russia, Brazil, India

Coronavirus cases and deaths are still spiking in Brazil, US, India, South Africa and Sweden.

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, also often described as South America’s Donald Trump, remains dismissive of the devastating impact of the virus and opposed to lockdowns.

Russia is now behind only the United States and Brazil in its number of reported infections.

India still has over 5,000 cases a day, signalling the coronavirus outbreak is yet to slow down.

Sweden opted for a soft social distancing approach, and adopted a “principle of responsibility”. Its high death rate is a high price to pay for its “soft” COVID-19 policy.

Thank you.

Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount

Posted to Facebook on 16/6/2020 at 12:48 AM
Beijing battles ‘explosive coronavirus outbreak’ as food market cases mount

Several countries have opened their borders despite coronavirus infection is still spreading. It is understandable that for the last few months the world has stood still, causing the economy tailspinning into chaos, and leaders around the world are keen to get their countries back on track, but to follow the path of post pandemic new normal.

One of the latest research found that 15% infected people, one in 6, are asymptomatic, and therefore there is no guarantee that one does not get infected when in close contact with any asymptomatic infected person, especially in crowded places.

Some shopping centres and groceries are fairly busy and social distancing is not really observed. Most interestingly, school children at schools are not subjected to the same restrictions but teachers are.

Large crowds turned up at the BLM demonstrations around the world. In Victoria, two attended at the protest are tested positive to-date. I am certain that more participants will be tested positive by the end of the fortnight.

Second wave spread is not a hoax or scaremongering. Texas, Florida, Japan, South Korea and now Beijing are concerned about another outbreak, and all started from crowded places.

During the pandemic, many share market novice investor get hooked on the new found money making opportunity. However, the fear of second wave spread is going to create havoc in the market, and many will get their fingers burnt.

Coronavirus pandemic is fast becoming stale news, and many people are sick of reading or listening to the news. However, the bad news is not over yet, and I have decided to keep this group going as long as I can to keep you informed what the situations are like in other countries.

Thank you for reading.