Thursday, 30 April 2020

Hokkaido declares new state of emergency amid 'second wave' of coronavirus infections

Hokkaido declares new state of emergency amid 'second wave' of coronavirus infections

This serves as a reminder that no one city or country including Australia Capital Territory (ACT) and some other states should celebrate prematurely after lockdown is lifted.

Many weeks ago, a Singaporean friend who is a PR in Australia wrote about Singapore's success in curbing the spread of the virus. Singapore had only 100 cases then.

I commented that it was too early to call, and it was not the time to pop the Champagne cork. Singaporeans were over confident, and later became too complacent, and unfortunately, the government overlooked or neglected the imported workers who lived in very high density dormitory.

A recent research from China shows that some people exhibited slight symptoms, and tested three times giving negative result, finally proved to be positive victims. It seems the virus could go much further in the lung and incubate.

The recovered patients may not be completely cleared of the virus, because they remain and incubate within the organs.

Many people are likely to be over saturated with all the bad news, and may do silly things after the lockdown.

Please keep in mind that there are still a lot of people stranded overseas in countries with much higher cases. They can be potential spreaders and just hope that they do not kick start the second wave.

Thank you for reading.

Don't join China COVID-19 'blame game', Gough's man in Beijing warns

Don't join China COVID-19 'blame game', Gough's man in Beijing warns

I learnt it from my mother when I was a child that I could say the same things loudly or softly, aggressively or calmly. Then I read from Dale Carnegie about "How to win friends and influence people", and finally I was teaching subjects about Negotiation and Dealing with Difficult People.

I have not said that China was right or wrong during this pandemic episode, or whether Wuhan is the origin of the Patient 0.

I have been writing about countries should be united to combat the real enemy, the coronavirus, rather than finger pointing, and reinventing the wheels by ignoring some viable steps that can save lives before things become unmanageable.

Many war criminals were brought to justice years after the wars, not during the wars, but when the economy was back on track and life returned to normality.

Despite all these, the countries and war criminals got punishment, but other countries, leaders and scumbags rose to do the same. History repeats, killings continue even up to now.

You and I and most people that followed what happened to Iraq would see the effect of the witch hunt of WMD. There was no WMD, but Iraq was accused, and bombed beyond recognition by rumour mongers, and guess which dumb dumb followed.

I do not like to see another real destructive war that involves more human lives lost.

It can and will happen if the world continues the same approach aggressively.

Thank you for reading.

With less than 1% of COVID-19 cases in aged care, why can't we visit?

Posted to The Age (29/4/2020) on 30/4/2020
With less than 1% of COVID-19 cases in aged care, why can't we visit?

It's time Morrison take a break on the Ruby Princess! He is over-stressed, and can't understand the simple logic that the lower percentage of cases in aged care home is entirely due to the residents being isolated from potential coronavirus spreaders and transmitters.

If workers cannot be tested to ensure that they do not pose any danger to the residents, what guarantee is there that the visitors can be tested to deem safe?

A healthy and strong infected visitor may be asymptomatic, but their contact with the aged and fragile residents is fatal!

I have a relative in an aged care home. Before the lockdown, my wife and I visit her very regularly each week. Only one or two families visited their relatives when we dropped by. It must be noted that most residents in aged care homes are demented, and cannot recognise the close relatives.

I believe the vocal bleeding hearts feel bad that they never visited their relatives before, and now they have time in their hands, they want to "repent".

I urge the aged care homes to ignore the pressure from the PM who just wants to play the nice guy by satisfying those vocal ones.

My wife and I trusted the management's judgement then, and during this difficult time, we continue to respect and support the decision! So, keep the homes locked down.

Thank you for reading.

Australian intelligence officials have no evidence of Wuhan lab link to coronavirus

Posted to The Age (29/4/2020) on 30/4/2020
Australian intelligence officials have no evidence of Wuhan lab link to coronavirus

Eggs in their faces, and there is no surprise. Time will tell whether the three gung-ho Amigos from Australia will get their humiliation in due course.

There is no Brownie points to score by being so adamant to have the wet market banned, finger pointed at Wuhan lab in leaking the virus and accusing China of not disclosing information in relation to the spreading of the virus.

Somehow we do not seem to have good leaders or senior politicians that understand diplomacy. It is not that they do not know how to get the China ambassador in to discuss the proposal behind close door.

Power gets into their heads, and they arrogantly tell their important trading partner and neighbour, namely China, that Australia is to open their first shot.

Although Australia is a far flunked island, it is still one of the countries on Mother Earth. Big mouths DO create ill-will and conflict, and can damage relationship for a long term!

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Childcare centre shuts as two children await results of virus tests

Childcare centre shuts as two children await results of virus tests

This does not sound good. I hope my very pessimistic prediction is not realised, that is, children become the next wave of coronavirus victims.

Health officials worry a coronavirus-related syndrome or some other unidentified infectious pathogen is emerging in children in the UK.

Thank you for reading.

Canberra to call Beijing's bluff over economic boycott threat

Posted to The Age (28/4/2020) on 29/4/2020
Canberra to call Beijing's bluff over economic boycott threat

Australian government howls like a wolf in a wolf pack, because it does not want to be left out, especially when big brother bully US is calling for an international inquiry into the origins of coronavirus.

The three Amigos from Australia, a country with a democratic political system - Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton and Marise Payne, have been pointing fingers at China so adamantly, prejudging China of committing the biggest international crime without giving China the presumption of innocence.

Morrison is the first world leader to call for a ban on China's wet markets. Payne suggested China withheld information regarding the spread of the virus, while Dutton said "China needs to 'answer questions' on the virus origins after unsubstantiated reports from the US that it was grown in a lab in Wuhan and accidentally escaped."

What if the origin is not Wuhan, but from the US or another country? Will US allow international scrutiny while the pandemic continues to kill more than 2,000 a day in the country?

In 2009, Australia had a record number of 631,935 international student enrolment, but in 2012 it fell to 515,813. The decline was not global event, but it was due to change of Australian government policies. The students went to other countries like UK, Canada, Germany, etc.

International students need more than education. They also need accommodation, food, recreation, etc.

There is a very strong competitor which can offer a place for the international students, as well as with great tourist destinations, and that is New Zealand which is more than a lovable country, but also has a down-to-earth and kind Prime Minister.

I have been a keen traveller and I know there are many countries that can offer plenty of places of interest to visit. Australia will stand to lose plenty if it does not play the card right.

Chinese people are very different from people in many countries - a lockdown in Wuhan means a complete lockdown. The people understand societal good comes before individuals'. When China is being bullied, the citizens unite, because patriotism kicks in.

Australia will be badly financially wounded after the pandemic and needs a lot of money to fill the financial blackhole.

I doubt Beijing is bluffing, because many countries just love to supply China anything and everything in order to fill the empty coffers.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Former top public servant: I won't download the coronavirus app

Posted to The Age (27/4/2020) on 28/4/2020
Former top public servant: I won't download the coronavirus app

Do not do anything naughty behind your partner’s back, because your phone will give evidence that you have been with someone for more than 15 minutes in close proximity.

This can also be used to track criminals of their contacts, if they are silly enough to have their phones turned on.

Where is the data stored? Obviously it has to be in the phone first. It can’t be in the Cloud, because not everyone has mobile WIFI.

Do you think people infected with coronavirus like to broadcast that they are victims? There are enough people without social conscience around that infect some of their “friends” in wealthy suburbs.

Thank you for reading.

Britain issues alert as possible new coronavirus syndrome emerges in children

Britain issues alert as possible new coronavirus syndrome emerges in children

This does not sound good. I hope my very pessimistic prediction is not realised, that is, children become the next wave of coronavirus victims.
Health officials worry a coronavirus-related syndrome or some other unidentified infectious pathogen is emerging in children in the UK.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, 27 April 2020

The risk of transmission in children was an area where there had been insufficient evidence

The risk of transmission in children was an area where there had been insufficient evidence
I am feeling better now!

From the early onset of the pandemic, assumptions have been made that the rate of children coronavirus infection has been low, and mortality is negligible.

I have hypothesised the reason for children for getting severe infection, and I have more to write about it.

It is commonsense that if less children are tested, the number of children being tested positive would be low.

In fact, after many times being declined by The Age to publish my comments on the coronavirus crisis, it finally published my comment about testing the children, and if teachers and students are exempted from social distancing, so should the rest of the community. (See my earlier post in this group).

Just about half an hour ago, I read the following in The Age the following:

“Professor Sutton also urged parents to take their children to get tested if they show even really mild symptoms. He said the risk of transmission in children was an area "where there had been insufficient evidence" so far and he hoped expanded testing would shed light on infection rates in Victorian children.

"We don't know the extent to which kids are asymptomatic and the extent of which they are passing it on to each other and others," he said.”

Is it just a coincidence?

Thank you for reading.

I learn a lot of things during the lockdown

I learn a lot of things during the lockdown

I learn a lot of things during the last three months, especially about financial and political inequality, effectiveness and ineffectiveness of autocratic and democratic political systems, decision making under different circumstances, irrational and selfish behavior of individuals who care nothing about the wellbeing of other people, and the revitalisation and rise of ugliness of racism.

I also confirmed that history does repeat, and the pandemic is like a duster wipes out the chalk writing on the black board. People start to realise and understand about life and livelihood, and discover quality time. People learn to appreciate connection with the outside world, without sacrificing time with their loved ones.

For those unmarried or without partners, they realise that toughing out alone, facing four walls in isolation, is not ideal. Being alone is not the same as loneliness.

The education system is showing many cracks as I have been talking about. Unfortunately, I cannot participate on as a volunteer in online home schooling due to privacy issue. That is the reason I started the group SFC Fun With Maths. I have designed a "sister" website ready to launch soon, to benefit those who do not use Facebook.

Australian scumbags and parasites surface again, with people not prepared to go back to work in some industries because the $1500 per fortnight taxpayers money is better than what they can earn, by doing nothing now!

Thank you for reading.

Children tend to be asymptomatic but can be possible carriers

Posted to The Age (27/4/2020) on 27/4/2020
Children tend to be asymptomatic but can be possible carriers

The rate of infection in children is small, because the number of testing on children is small.

Statistically, children tend to be asymptomatic but that does not mean they can’t be carriers or spreaders / transmitters.

School children do take home “library books” to read as after school activity. Books cannot be disinfected easily, and there is a chance that books can become a medium for transmission.

If schools are allowed to open to all, then the rest of the community should be able to go on their daily activities. Teachers and students should not be the only one exempted from physical distancing.

Thank you for reading.

Coronavirus attacks lining of blood vessels all over the body, Swiss study finds

Coronavirus attacks lining of blood vessels all over the body, Swiss study finds

For the medically more savvy members, this post may interest you.

This may explain why low death toll for younger people, especially children.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Covid-19 was in US earlier than first thought. Here’s why that’s important to know

Covid-19 was in US earlier than first thought. Here’s why that’s important to know

I have raised this doubt long ago in this group. How do we know that so many people died of flu in the US did not die of flu, but of coronavirus COVID-19?

Can some of the bodies be exhumed to find the traces of the virus?

I find it so laughable that during the early onset of the coronavirus outbreak, the Australian CMO was insistent that people-to-people or community transmission was unlikely, and did not inform the PM about such danger. It is a total nut case and stupid to believe in such hypothesis.

Why did Wuhan take such drastic action to lock down the city if it was not to prevent people-to-people transmission? Did all the infected victims in Wuhan consume bats?

I live by commonsense and logic, and there is no such university course available around the globe.

Stay home, stay safe.

Thank you for reading.

February deaths in California upend what experts thought they knew about the virus’s spread in US, as antibody tests indicate a much greater incidence of infection, and possible recovery – information vital to help decide next steps to take.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Algeria becomes Africa’s worst affected country as fears grow over impact on continent

Algeria becomes Africa’s worst affected country as fears grow over impact on continent

Special feature story about Algeria

Algeria is a predominantly Muslim country of North Africa with a population of 44 million. The most populous city Algiers is the capital. Since the breakup of Sudan in 2011, Algeria becomes the largest country in Africa.

It was once a breadbasket of the Roman Empire, and some of the best preserved Roman ruins can still be found in Djémila, near the north coast of Algiers.

In the early 8th century, Arab Muslim conquered Algeria, with negligible resistance from the locals. The various dynasties ruled until the 16th century.

There was a brief period of independence until 1830 when France launched a war of conquest, and captured Algiers. The conquest took some time and resulted in considerable bloodshed.

Algeria gained complete independence in March 1962. Although the influence of the French language and culture in Algeria remained strong, since independence the country consistently has sought to regain its Arab and Islamic heritage.

On 31 March 2020, I chatted with a member from Algiers, there were 511 cases, and 31 deaths, but on 21 April, the statistics shows 2811 cases, 392 deaths.

Algeria is worse hit than its North African neighbours Tunisia and Morocco.

Coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have spread to Algeria in February 2020.

On 4 April, Algeria's President announced various measures to fight the virus, including the closure of schools and borders, and imposed curfew between 3pm and 7am in the capital Algiers and eight other provinces, and between 7pm and 7am in most of the others.

Algeria had inadequate numbers of physicians. Its public healthcare system, run down for decades due to dysfunctional bureaucracy and remain poor.

About 99% of Algerians living in urban areas, but only 82% of those living in rural areas, had access to "improved sanitation" and running water.

Although France has maintained close relationship with former colony, Algeria gets help against coronavirus pandemic from trade partner China.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Algeria, the Chinese government and enterprises have provided several batches of medical supplies for Algeria.

Nearly 20 tons of supplies included medical masks, testing kits, ventilators and other medical equipment onboard a plane arrived at Algiers International Airport on 21 April, Tuesday night to help the Algeria contain the spread of the COVID-19.

Thank you for reading.

A disaster waiting to happen or a bold evidence based response? In Sweden, it depends who you ask

Posted to The Age (20/4/2020) on 22/4/2020 (not published by the newspaper)
Commenting on "A disaster waiting to happen or a bold evidence based response? In Sweden, it depends who you ask"

UK is a living proof that herd immunisation was not the go, and the PM nearly paid the biggest price, his own life, for his misjudgement.

Australia close neighbour, Singapore, was once hailed as a model for other countries to follow, has become a victim of complacency and overlooks the living conditions of certain segment of the population.

Japan was hardly affected by coronavirus until the day it announced the cancellation of the Olympics in August. Soon after that date, Japan PM declared a state of emergency.

Governments need to take tough decisions in a crisis situation. Swedish government seems to deal with the current pandemic against the norm, just like what UK once adopted.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Religious Affairs Minister to announce decision on Hari Raya break, method of prayers

Religious Affairs Minister to announce decision on Hari Raya break, method of prayers

It is true that Muslims in Malaysia will be observing the fasting month beginning April 24, while Hari Raya Aidilfitri is expected to be on May 24.

On Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Muslims awake early in the morning to visit the mosque, thank God for the blessings they have in life. Later in the morning, they gather with their family to seek forgiveness and receive 'green' envelopes of money from their elders.

Since the Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic, Indonesia has decided to postpone its four-day Hari Raya celebration initially from May 26 to 29 to Dec 28 to 31.

Thank you for reading.

Coronavirus crisis in Philippines

Coronavirus crisis in Philippines

I chatted via Messenger with a friend from Philippines. The following is an extract from her message, slightly edited:

"The situation here in the Philippines isn't good.

The national government produce the budget around 20 billion (200 billion?) for the Filipino people who was affected in the corona virus, but the local government keep the budget for their own."

I shall write more about Philippines situation later.

Ramadan during coronavirus – with a virtual community

Ramadan during coronavirus – with a virtual community

My wife and I were concerned whether we could find restaurants or food places open when we travelled in Morocco during Ramadan. During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims are obligated to fast between dawn and sunset, with the exemption among people with a medical condition and the elderly.
Together with our travelling buddies, we reluctantly cancelled our tour before COVID-19 turned into a pandemic. We are supposed to leave on Thursday, and now this is just a thing of the past.

I am glad that most Muslims around the world understand the danger of the coronavirus COVID-19, and close all mosques, including the largest mosque in Africa, Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco, and the Islam's holiest shrine, at the Grand Mosque in Saudi Arabia's holy city of Mecca. There will be no Ramadan prayers in Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque.

Aiman Mazyek, chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany wrote that "Muslims prefer to pray together at the mosque but during the coronavirus crisis, they turn their living rooms into mosques within their families after they have broken the fast together with them."

However, there are fanatics maintain that fasting is mandatory until any harmful effects in connection with the virus are medically proven.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Coronavirus numbers in Australia: how many new cases are there? Covid-19 map, stats and graph

Coronavirus numbers in Australia: how many new cases are there? Covid-19 map, stats and graph

Physical distancing measures are working, and the increases in Victoria are small, and is encouraging.
Residents of the country’s most affluent suburbs are most afflicted with coronavirus. In Victoria, Stonnington Council is the most affected with 87 cases. Encompassing Toorak and South Yarra, it is one of the richest areas in Australia.

Banyule is second, with 82, City of Melbourne is next with 66, Greater Geelong with 62 cases, Boroondara – which includes Kew and Hawthorn – with 60, and Mornington Peninsula with 59 cases.

Several returned travellers from Aspen ski resort, including the a couple accused of flouting quarantine advice, became the the Aspen cluster that spread the coronavirus through the wealthy suburbs, by attending a series of parties and gatherings. Another couple who had been to Aspen attended a cocktail evening for Geelong Grammar School parents in Toorak, infected five guests at the function.

The City of Melbourne’s higher number of cases could also be partly due to the large number of students living within the area’s boundary.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

France contradicts US on coronavirus link to Wuhan research lab

Posted to The Age (18/4/2020) on 19/4/2020 (not published by the newspaper)
A lecture, a textbook, an illness like no other: Inside a Melbourne COVID cluster

It is depressing to read about the increasing number of people infected by coronavirus and fatalities each day. However, I feel more depressed because I fail to understand the mentality of leaders pointing fingers at China for spreading the virus, which serves no purpose at this point in time.

Instead of fighting the coronavirus, the sole enemy that kills so many across almost all continents, some leaders send out messages that mislead their own citizens, fragment the community, and create divide among races in order to distract their inaptness to lead, govern and manage their countries.

Whether we are talking about Australia or the US laws, the presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of our justice system. Many criminal trials take months or even decades to gather information and evidence, before an individual or a country can be proven guilty of a crime.

All countries in the world should be united as one to fight the pandemic, and develop a reliable vaccine to stop the virus from creating more misery to mankind.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Why negatively geared landlords are going to struggle the most with reducing rents for tenants

Posted to Facebook on 18/4/2020 at 1:44 AM
Why negatively geared landlords are going to struggle the most with reducing rents for tenants

From what I have been tracking, out of all the members reading my blog, less than 20% actually read my blogs in detail, or believe in what I said. The rest probably take my words with a grain of salt, or just being nosy.

At the primary school I volunteer in, the teachers and school children call me a mathematician, but I advise them I am not a mathematician, but I love mathematics.

Since the days I set my eyes on property investment, I rely heavily on mathematics to work out my potential risk of not being able to sleep soundly at night, worrying whether I could repay my loan.

During the early days when credit was freely available, I was asked why I did not borrow to buy properties and shares. I did not follow the norm, because good times never last forever, and if the trend reversed, I could be in deep financial strive. If everyone was to rush in to invest, how could I get the best value for my money?

We need to learn about breakeven and worst case scenario, the latter was discussed in my earlier blog. I do not invest unless I know I can afford to ride out a financial storm, at least for 6 months. Now that I am not in employment, it is more critical to have an watchful eye over my bank balance.

During my online chat, I explained one of my conservative investment strategies - if I had a million dollars to invest in property, and also what I would invest in with a bucket of money.

I am not in agreement with those gurus who have been advising that a successful strategy that an investor adopts in negative gearing should be replicated in the future investment. What these gurus fail to understand and advise accordingly is that the strategy may be conceptually valid, but the financial commitments and dynamics of the investor would have changed after the initial investment.

Circumstances could not be replicated easily by some artificial or mathematical means. In most cases, the mathematics does not stack up that people invest in a business should make a loss in order to get tax benefits.

In my earlier blogs, I talked about a number of property owners would have to let go of their properties after the coronavirus pandemic. Among these will be those involve in negative gearing. I sincerely hope the reason of their selling the properties is not due to their loss of their high income.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Spanish flu should be renamed as Kansas flu

Spanish flu should be renamed as Kansas flu

Spanish flu should be renamed correctly as Kansas flu estimated to have killed up to 100 million in 1918-1920.

It is important no one should point fingers at any country at present the origin of the coronavirus.

Historian Alfred W. Crosby stated in 2003 that the flu originated in Kansas, and popular author John M. Barry described a January 1918 outbreak in Haskell County, Kansas.

Source - Wikipedia

The pandemic likely acquired this nickname because of World War I, which was in full swing at the time.

The major countries involved in the war were keen to avoid encouraging their enemies, so reports of the extent of the flu were suppressed in Germany, Austria, France, the United Kingdom and the U.S. By contrast, neutral Spain had no need to keep the flu under wraps.

That created the false impression that Spain was bearing the brunt of the disease.

Source: The Conversation

A lecture, a textbook, an illness like no other: Inside a Melbourne COVID cluster

A lecture, a textbook, an illness like no other: Inside a Melbourne COVID cluster

Do not take things for granted! This article serves as a reminder that it only takes one infected person to spread the virus to many others.

Am I being paranoid about the pandemic? Not at all. Prevention is always better than regrets for life. If possible, drive your own car instead of taking a taxi or Uber, change your clothing if you are in contact with strangers at shopping centres, wash your hands with soap, and wear a mask when out of the house.

While 1.5m is the recommended distance from another person, it is better to be further away. It has been demonstrated than droplets propelled from coughing can be four metres away.

Please take care, and stay safe.

Thank you from reading.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Coronavirus across the world

Coronavirus across the world

This is an article on some coronavirus clusters across the world. It is comprehensive but nonetheless a complete list. You probably have some knowledge about certain places that can be considered as clusters.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 10 April 2020

No more Zoom for home-based learning after hackers show obscene photos to Singapore students

No more Zoom for home-based learning after hackers show obscene photos to Singapore students

Zoom video conferencing users beware.

Lack of security enables hackers to join the chat room. Read the attached news article from Singapore, banning use of Zoom school online home-based lessons. Zoom attracts Zoom bombing, like what the school children have experienced.

Zoom's security flaws have led to a number of organizations, companies, and schools banning or restricting its use.

Government and government agencies banning such use include NASA, Taiwan, Australian Defence Force, German Foreign Ministry, US Senate.

Google also ban its employees using Zoom on company-owned desktop and laptop computers, and administrators will disable it this week.

Many people with no knowledge or do not care about cyber security jump into the band wagon because it is the in-thing during this coronavirus pandemic, will be get more than they bargained for, and likely have their video conferencing posted to other media without their consent.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Away from Zoom.

Thank you for reading.

Coronavirus can hit kids too, and one mum wants parents to be more vigilant

Coronavirus can hit kids too, and one mum wants parents to be more vigilant

I have been blogging about my concern regarding children being infected by coronavirus. I also hypothesise why children do not get infected as easily as the adults.

Just because most children do not display much symptoms, or asymptomatic, that does not mean they are not carriers, and may not be super spreaders or transmitters.

I watched the interview on ABC (Aust) about a mother from Bavaria whose two children were tested positive to the coronavirus. She had no idea whether they were infected when they were out shopping or attending the kindergarten before they were closed.

While a lot of adults have undergone testing, I doubt the number of children are tested in the same proportion. The argument is based on data from China or overseas show that infection rate for children is low.

What really puzzles me is that why children are prone to many life threatening diseases, but apparently not affected by this highly infectious and deadly virus.

Is there a substance not necessarily an anti-body in a child‘s body that inhibits or suppresses the symptoms? If this virus is not destroyed by the child's defence system, will the virus mutate into more deadly, not only killing the child who is the host eventually, but also leads to more community infections and fatality?

Now that Australia has apparently "flattened the curve", unless irresponsible people flout the laws against social distancing, I believe the government should turn their attention to test more children, especially students attended schools before the locked down. Testing temperature is not a sure way to detect presence of virus in their system.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Impact of Social Distancing

Impact of Social Distancing

I don't understand why the government and modelling experts take so long to release simulation on "flattening the curve".

The attached .pdf files show three scenarios of the Impact of Social Distancing on the coronavirus infection. The first two scenarios are based on an infected person may infect 2.6 persons or 3 persons respectively. For the third case, social distancing kicks in from 11th day onwards.

I spent about three hours to work on the spreadsheets, and I shall do more simulation to fine tune the data.

Thank you for reading.

Australia's suicide rate to rise 40% if emerging risks such as debt not tackled

Australia's suicide rate to rise 40% if emerging risks such as debt not tackled

Do not become a statistics directly due to coronavirus infection, or indirectly due to depression caused by loss of income.

Seek help if you can’t find ways out. Remember, taking your life leaves the trouble to your loved ones to deal with, not only the financial burden, but also the grief and the lack of a shoulder to lean on.

I keep warning readers NOT to overstretch their financial commitments, and all need to save up for rainy days such as foreseen disaster like now. If you can’t afford that extra luxury, sacrifice it until you have accumulated that extra wealth.

The adage that “Short term pain, long term gain” should always be kept your mind if you need a happy ending.

Please be wise, and do not such silly things.

Thank you for reading.

What does a state of emergency mean for Japan?

What does a state of emergency mean for Japan?

Japan is the third largest economy in the world. Once appeared to be avoiding a full-blown epidemic, the country has recently seen a large increase in coronavirus cases, especially in Tokyo and Osaka.

The main answer as to why Japan has such low infection rate is likely due to Japan has not conducted extensive coronavirus testing intentionally or otherwise.

Was it a coincidence that after March 24 when Tokyo called off the 2020 Olympics, then the virus started to spread rapidly? Three days later on 27 March, Japan saw its biggest daily increase. By Monday 30 March, Tokyo alone marked the biggest daily increase in COVID-19 cases since the epidemic began.

There is speculation that mitigation strategies were delayed in order to quell fears about hosting the Olympics during an outbreak.

At present, the number of coronavirus cases stands at 3653, and 85 deaths.

Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, plans to declare a state of emergency in Tokyo and six other prefectures in an attempt to stem a sharp rise.

The government has no legal authority to impose the kind of lockdowns seen in other countries, or to fine residents who ignore the request. Japan's legal system, influenced by the legacy of wartime excesses, limits the government's power over its citizens.

Under the state of emergency, the governors of the prefectures are empowered to do the following, but offer no reinforcement:to call for restrictions on movement
  • to encourage people to stay at home and to practise social distancing when they go out
  • to call for businesses like entertainment venues or department stores, to close their doors
  • to order the cancellation of events
  • to commandeer buildings or land for medical purposes
  • to close public institutions like schools

Public transport is expected to continue running, though possibly on a more limited basis. Shops and other business may remain open.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, 6 April 2020

Blogging about the Coronavirus pandemic

Blogging about the Coronavirus pandemic

This pandemic takes me to many countries around the world virtually, especially some African countries.

I may not have blogged about them, because I need to cross check the information. I have not blogged a lot on the very publicised coronavirus incidents in China, USA, UK, Italy, and South Korea because you can get a lot of news from many sources.

Behind the scene, I responded to people who spread hoax, and fake news. I also have alerted a Singaporean friend not to pop the Champagne weeks ago.

I have communicated with an overseas medical specialist in regards to some of my thoughts about this pandemic, and mask design.

Back to the ranch, I am concerned about a second wave of infections in Australia. Western Australia has decided to close the border, forbidding entry to the state, not for even its own people!

Some infected victims who have recovered may be immune from the virus, but some may flare up again. Some have longer incubation and asymptomatic.

While young children are prone to many other diseases like small pox, measles, flu, polio, whooping cough, no one can truly answer why young children are less susceptible to the virus infection. I have an hypothesis, but it is best not to speculate.

In the meantime, Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

DR Congo 'prepared' to take part in coronavirus vaccine testing

DR Congo 'prepared' to take part in coronavirus vaccine testing

Democratic Republic of Congo, also known as DRC is widely considered to be the richest country in the world regarding natural resources. Its untapped deposits of raw minerals are estimated to be worth in excess of U.S. $24 trillion.

Until the untapped wealth is realised, DRC is just a poverty stricken country in Central Africa. There are two main reasons. First, DRC experienced years of instability and political upheaval. Second, rampant diseases such as cholera, hepatitis A, malaria, polio, measles and typhoid fever. 1.2% of the Congolese are affected by HIV/AIDS.

There is a great shortage of food. Bush meat is an important source of protein for millions of people in DRC, especially in the rural areas where it makes up 50-70% of meals. Hunting for bush meat has declined because of the risk to hunters and butchers from the Ebola virus from specifically ape and bat meat

It is a real concern that without running water, most Congolese are unable to wash their hands with soap, and coronavirus will pose a big threat to the battered health system. Compounding to this is the lack of masks, medical and sanitary supplies for people who often live in cramped homes.

At this point of writing, the coronavirus cases stand at 147, and 16 deaths.

DRC registered its first death from coronavirus at a hospital in the capital Kinshasa on 21 March 2020. Case 0 was a Congolese citizen who had returned from France and contacted health services.

The president of the DRC closed the country’s borders and imposed a state of emergency on Tuesday 24 March to contain the coronavirus outbreak, following other African nations that have imposed strict measures in recent days.

He suspended commercial flights from other countries with the virus, banned large gatherings and closed clubs, restaurants and bars.

DRC is prepared to take part in any vaccine testing against the coronavirus, because it was a vaccine that helped DRC to end the Ebola epidemic.

Thank you for reading.

Talking to a Coronavirus patient tested positive

Talking to a Coronavirus patient tested positive

A few hours ago at about 12:30 am, Sunday, I chatted with a friend in Hong Kong, or to be precise from a Hong Kong hospital.

I have been wondering what happens to the those people tested positive, and what treatment they receive at the hospital.

This is the first time I talked with someone who has been tested positive with coronavirus, and admitted to the hospital for treatment. My friend was able to receive my WeChat call from his room.

One of his work colleagues returned from Turkey, who did not know he was infected with the virus. He was later tested positive, resulting in a lockdown of the department.

My friend did not develop any symptom, but just to be sure, he went for chest X-Ray. (In Melbourne, I just simply request for an X-Ray with a dictor referral). There was nothing unusual with the lungs, and so he left. Somehow, he was not convinced that he was alright, and went for another X-ray of his chest again. It was just a day apart, and the X-ray images of his lungs revealed some dark spots.

Unlike his colleague who develop fluctuating temperature and lost of taste, my friend did not. After receiving a Covid-19 test, it was confirmed positive. He was admitted to hospital immediately, and isolated from the family.

He was on drip, and according to him, he received injection that treat Ebola, a coronavirus which resembles that of Covid-19.

Throughout his stay, he did not feel like being sick. In fact he sounded cheerful, and was so pleased to hear from me via WeChat.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

COVID-19 community mobility report

COVID-19 community mobility report

A Facebook group member messaged me the following link. Please check it out.


Did Australia demand astronomical compensation from China?

Did Australia demand astronomical compensation from China?

What an idiot to blame CCP of China being responsible for what we are going through today. His mouth is so full of shit that even all the toilet paper in the world cannot wide it off.

The world knew about the coronavirus since it was made known on 31 December by China.

What did the world do after being notified of this infectious and deadly disease? They laughed, they ignored, they said China lied and exaggerated, and they thought was a joke.

What did the world do when Wuhan was in lockdown? They talked about the commies being undemocratic, heavy handed, stripped human rights, and other smeared the Chinese with unthinkable nonsense.

Just for those ignorant twits including Alan Jones, bats have been hunted by Aboriginal Australians for thousands of years, extending into modern times. (Source Wikipedia)

Are goanna or witchetty grub wild life? I dare anyone tell our Aboriginal people that. It is more idiotic and senseless that Australians eat Kangaroo, the animal that appeared in the national emblem.

It is true that the Chinese investors are buying up land and properties, but is it the fault of these people? If Australian government had the laws in place from the start to FORBID ownership, how can the owners of those land and other form of properties sell them?

If the laws are not in place, the one that exported stuff to China and make a hefty profit, then he did not break the law, even though he was wrong morally but not legally.

Did Alan Jones know that Spanish flu originated from Kansas, USA? Did he know that he is creating a racial divide? With his intelligence, he probably knows the second question and fans the fire intentionally to gain audienceship, but I doubt he does not have enough on top to know the answer of the first one.

This is the time not for brownie point scoring, especially those behind the microphone. Wake up Alan Jones, peace is better than war, specific the trade war. No one is wiser if no one buys Australian iron ore, coal, seafood, and education!

Thank you.

PS If you want to include my post, do click ”include the Original post” when you click share.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Hundreds pictured at Manly Beach despite social distancing orders

Hundreds pictured at Manly Beach despite social distancing orders

This is why Australia will be hit by a sudden surge of infection cases, and the curve will not flatten but rise exponentially soon.

The idiotic politicians really have rocks in their heads believing that some young people can be trusted to follow the restrictions to stay at home unless for permissible reasons.

How can the full force of the law be thrown at such big number? How can the police contain and restrain these law breakers if a riot is to flare up? How can the police handcuff them without being closer than 1.5m?

It is joke that different states impose different fines and possible jail terms. Why can’t these be standardised?

Two weeks ago, 70 students from University flew to Mexico to a spring break party. Upon returned, 24 tested positive of the virus. Just imagine the number of innocent passengers on the commercial flight that could be infected by these brainless twits, all in their 20’s.

Many people including the not so smart politicians misunderstand the term social distancing which does not just mean separation at a distance. Social distancing implies avoid social interaction or distancing from activities.

I have been saying to bring on the lockdown, or better still call it CURFEW, a word most idiots can understand.

If my logical mind does not fail me, I foresee a jump in community transmission in the next few days, all because of these irresponsible hoons.

Thank you for reading.

Seventh Victorian dies as state records another rise in community transmissions

Seventh Victorian dies as state records another rise in community transmissions

It is a disgrace coming from the mouth of the Victorian Chief Health Officer that “It’s relatively better than NSW”.

The stubbornness and stupidity of the PM, Premiers, CMO, and CHOs for their reluctance to bring in tougher measures basically writing death warrants from many innocent people in the community.

It is just simple mathematics that the sooner the states are locked down, the less infected people will roam the streets, including those arrogant, irresponsible people returned from Aspen ski lodge, to infect others.

Earlier on, the medical officers were so proud to imply that person-to-person transmission was a no-brainer. This kind of complacent mentality is the root cause for what is happening now.

It is also commonsense that whether to lock down earlier or later would still have big negative impact on the economy; it is a matter of when money is needed to keep business in hibernation and for people in dole queue. The less number get infected, the smaller the economic pain.

Just look at Italy, Spain, UK, and US which are so prominent in the media. Who can they blame now since international travel are stopped? The rising numbers are caused by community transmissions NOT imported cases.

The flattening of the curve is just a consolation for the time being. Unfortunately, more pain is still on the way!

Thank you for reading.

New Chinese research may point to possible role of children in coronavirus spread

New Chinese research may point to possible role of children in coronavirus spread

I think the federal Chief Medical Officer and state Chief Health Ministers will brush off findings of Chinese research pointing to possible role of children in coronavirus spread.

The reluctance of closing schools and now the generous funding of free childcare to allow childcare centres to remain open are trouble in the making, and the authority is sending the wrong signal that children are less prone to infection, and unlikely to spread the disease.

Just because children tend to get less severe symptoms when they contract Covid-19 does not mean that the children cannot be carriers and spreaders.

Should schools and childcare centres be exempted from social distancing or physical distancing? It is close to impossible for a teacher or childcare staff member to follow the order, because they have to work in very close proximity with the young children.

Early reports out of China showed that elderly people and the chronically ill were most vulnerable to Covid-19. Yet an alarming number of young people in the United States have been hospitalised with severe infections, and 20% were between ages 20 and 44.

Unlike cold and flu, many children and young people are asymptomatic to the infection, and therefore this can lead to a dangerous situation in community-acquired infections.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Blogging about Coronavirus pandemic

Blogging about Coronavirus pandemic

I enjoy talking, especially with people from far flung overseas countries.

Through FB I get to know people from many countries that I had no idea I could ever reach. This coronavirus crisis gives me the opportunity to connect with people in Morocco, Algeria, France, Germany, UK, Austria, Bosnia, USA, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, China, and Malaysia. I still have to catch up with people in Japan and Indonesia.

A lot time people make excuses that they have no time to connect with friends, but now there is no excuse because they probably do not know what to do with so much spare time.

Due to time difference, it is difficult to talk to someone half way round the world. But then how often do I call people in the middle of the night or early morning?

I prefer to talk than to message. It is more personal. I know some people like to write email or message, but it is very time consuming, and it is one way traffic on each occurrence, and at times the receiving end might misinterpret the message.

If you like to have a chat, you can reach me preferably on Messenger or Skype, because I can answer using my computer or iPad. I also use other Apps too on my phone, but I use them for other purposes.

Thank you for reading.

US and China set aside coronavirus differences and pledge to work together

US and China set aside coronavirus differences and pledge to work together

This is what I have been waiting for - US and China stand united to combat this deadly disease COVID-19.

It is very typical of President Donald Trump, a man of few words (vocabulary), to acknowledge that “China sent us some stuff, which was terrific.”

Now, the trouble is, will all the states in the US cooperate and work as one, or some will go their own way?

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Health watchdog slams FT green light for Ramadan bazaars

Health watchdog slams FT green light for Ramadan bazaars

When you think it I s safe to go Kuala Lumpur, think again. You’ll may be the next statistics in the coronavirus case list, and hopefully your name is not in the obituary.

Some may have caught the virus just days before but show no symptoms. These may be the super spreaders in a big crowd.

There are always people who do not care about themselves, let alone the well-being of others.

Closer to home in Australia, despite warnings, people still flocked to the beaches in Sydney and Melbourne. No one knows how many of the beach bums are carriers, and how many have been infected of them.

Only a few weeks ago, some 16,000 Muslims in Malaysia and neighbouring countries attended a religious event, and many were tested positive. Unfortunately, they returned to their hometown, and brought along the virus to infect others.

It is a regrettable wrong move. All the effort of lockdown will be a wasted effort.

Thank you for reading.

Captain of coronavirus-hit US aircraft carrier with up to 5,000 crew asks for urgent help

Captain of coronavirus-hit US aircraft carrier with up to 5,000 crew asks for urgent help

We heard so much about cruise ship passengers being infected with the coronavirus, and after disembarkation, some will die and other infected ones add to the statistics of the case list.

Unfortunately, the virus does not discriminate an ordinary passenger, or one who wears a uniform serving the country.

Questions must be asked how these “sailors” of the aircraft carrier contract the deadly disease. Ordinary people cannot get on the ship, but the sailor can get off it when it docks at some ports before reaching Guam.

Social distancing proves to be the way to prevent spreading the disease. Unfortunately these poor sailors do not have the luxury to physical distance from each other at 1.5m or 5ft during dining and carrying out their duties. Even the sleeping cabin is very tiny compared with those on a cruise ship.

Guam has its first infected case. It can ill afford to have many more, because the hospital and healthcare systems are not catered for an outbreak, even if it is on a very scale.

Please for your life sake and others too, Stay Home and Stay Safe.

Thank you for reading.

Captain of coronavirus-hit US aircraft carrier with up to 5,000 crew asks for urgent help